The conferences

The project “European values and cultural identities” (EU-VALUE) envisions three annual conferences on the main issues connected to the “Constitutional Challenges of the Promotion of the ‘European Way of Life’”.

The conferences will be held (in-person and live-streamed) at the Faculty of Political, Economic and Social Sciences of the University of Milan, and will focus on the most pressing legal constitutional issues concerning the protection and promotion of European values, with regard to the three major cultural challenges that they are currently facing:

  • the promotion of European values, immigration and integration in a multicultural society
  • the promotion of European values and the rise of nationalism, populism and Euro-scepticism in some member States
  • the promotion of European values (with particular regard to the founding value of “peace”) and the anti-Western discourse in the international community

Conference 2024

The first annual conference of the “European values and cultural identities” (EU-VALUE) project will be held in June 2024.

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