
1) G. Cavaggion, Nuove e vecchie sfide per i valori europei: tra “promozione dello stile di vita europeo” e difesa delle identità culturali, in Centro Studi sul Federalismo – Research Papers, ottobre 2023.

(New and old challenges for European values: between the “promotion of the European way of life” and the defence of cultural identities)

Abstract: The paper studies, in a Constitutional Law perspective, the challenges that the protection of different (individual, group, national) cultural identities poses for the promotion and protection of European values (article 2 TEU), defined as the fundamental principles at the basis of the common constitutional tradition. These challenges are: the rejection of European values on behalf of “new minorities” that invoke the right to preserve their original cultural identity; the rejection of European values on behalf of EU member States that invoke the right to preserve their “national identity”; the rejection of European values in the international community of States on behalf of actors that invoke a new “multipolar” world. The paper aims at highlighting the common threads that these challenges share, and to analyse the first answers by European institutions.

Keywords: European values; fundamental principles; cultural identity; common constitutional tradition; cultural rights; cultural defence; constitutional identity.
